Senin, 22 Oktober 2012


Adapted from the reality show entitled "the amazing race". Eleven teams racing around the world by Line apps. There are 12 legs in the whole game and they must race to be the first team to arrive in the "pitstop". 8 legs are the elimination rounds. Only three teams that will race to the finish line for the special prize. During the race to "pitstop" they must answer the question that related with the country that they visited, also complete some tasks to get the next clue.

This season will visits four continents and twelve countries.

Perlu diketahui :

1)Game dimulai di hari dan waktu yang telah ditentukan. Host akan mengirim clue berupa intoduction to game, destination (route info) yang diikuti dengan sebuah pertanyaan pilihan ganda yang harus dijawab untuk mendapat petunjuk selanjutnya. Jika jawaban benar, maka host akan mengirim clue selanjutnya.Jika jawaban salah lebih dari satu kali, maka tim akan mendapatkan penalty 5 menit per pertanyaan.

2)Game/quiz ini tidak bersifat mengikat. Maksudnya anda tidak diwajibkan pegang hape terus, jadi kalaupun sedang sibuk, anda bisa jawab pertanyaan jika ada waktu luang. Namun game masih terus berjalan, resiko last place.

3)Tim yang datang terakhir di pitstop pada Non Elimination Leg dikenakan Speed Bump, berupa pertanyaan ekstra di leg berikutnya

4)Dari leg satu ke leg selanjutnya ada jeda beberapa hari, nanti akan diberitahu lebih lanjut waktunya

Start : Saturday, December 19th
Finish : TBA
Continents visited : 4
Countries visited : 12
Winner : TBA



TeamRelationPosition (by leg)
1. Charlie and Meghan (Arief)Dating Singers1

2. Tiffany and Krista (Fonda)Cheerleaders2

3. Mark and Evan (Ilham)Youtubers8

4. Ganz and Zedd (Okta)Former Basketball Player 6

5. Kimmy and Julia (Ihsan)Models5

6.Yinchung and Rinchung (Rini)Married4

7. Edwin and Septi (Nov Edwin)Dating9

8. Dan and Gwen (Tata)Bestfriends7

9. Martha and Melissa (Zegha)Orchestra Musician3

10. Natalie and Nadiya (Aiven)Twin Sisters10

11. Abi and Ana (Sabilal) Newlyweds11
* A red team placement means the team was eliminated.
*An orange team show that he/she must complete a hazard as his/her penalty in the next leg.
* A Blue team show that the team get a speed bump
* A Pink team indicate that that he/she just u-turn someone
* A light blue team indicate that he/she has been u-turned by other team
* A green team show that he/she win the fast forward
*A purple team show that the team use their express pass

1) Charlie and Meghan won the express pass


1. Leg 1 :  "It's hot as hell here" -  Julia from Kimmy & Julia (Dubai, UAE))

2. Leg 2 :  - ? (Dubai, UAE - ?)


Starting Line : Bandung, Indonesia



Dubai Desert Conversation Reserve was visited in the first leg of the race

*Bandung, Indonesia to Dubai, UAE
     *Burj Al-Arab
     * Burj Khalifa
><  *Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club (ROADBLOCK)
><  *Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve (ROADBLOCK)
><*Atlantis Res (PIT STOP)

In the very first roadblock, teams must match five variants of Polo sport, considered as "the sport of the kings"to their origin country. While in the second roadblock, "who's feeling hot?" instructed team to convert highest degree ever recorded in Dubai and also average degree, from celcius to Fahrenheit, Reamur, and Kelvin. Abi and Ana was eliminated in this leg.

Additional tasks :
* Before going abroad, all teams must complete a starting line task. Teams must search for their first destinantion that hidden in a crosswords puzzle,

the correct destination is DUBAI. Try to find it, do you see it?

Questions and Tasks Archive (Leg 1)

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